Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Victory for science and students in Kansas

Apparently the citizens of Dover, PA are trend-setters. Yesterday Kansans voted out enough pro-intelligent design folks to create a 6-4 evolution-supporting majority on the state school board. This will likely lead to a reversal of the current Kansas science standards, which now recommend teaching alternatives to evolution.

According to the NY Times, one of the school board members (a former teacher!) who was voted out had described evolution as "an age-old fairy tale" and "a nice bedtime story" unsupported by science.

Now this is a trend I can support.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As Dorothy said, "Toto, I think we're not in Kansas anymore." This development has me thinking: Generally the ACLU sticks up for civil liberties to protect the rights of a minority from the tyranny of the majority. It occurs to me now that sometimes when we stick up for the Constitution it's because a minority, through clever manipulation of politics or through exploiting the apathy, lack of vigilence, or indifference of the majority, has assumed an undemocratic power over policy. Maybe the South Dakota abortion rights referendum this fall will be another example of how the majority, once roused, can and does sometimes stick up for the rights that are so precious to us.

11:57 AM  

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