Monday, December 10, 2007

Emergency contraception bill dies

I guess I was right. Maybe they are a bunch of Neanderthals.

Last Monday, Pennsylvania's House of Representatives had been scheduled to vote on a bill that would have made it a requirement for rape victims seeking treatment at hospitals to have access to emergency contraception. You know, to prevent an obviously unwanted pregnancy?

But an amendment supported by the bill sponsor would have allowed religiously affiliated hospitals to "opt out" of providing such assistance to victims. Here are my previous posts on the the topic.

Well, sadly, supporters of the originally worded bill believed that the amendment stood a very good chance of being passed. It was decided to withdraw the bill, rather than risk having the amendment make it into law.

It needs to be noted that in October, state hospital regulations were passed mandating that if a religiously affiliated hospital refuses to provide EC to victims, they must offer the women transportation to receive the medication at another medical facility.

Not exactly a victory for victim's rights.

Lauri in York

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